
sunnuntai, marraskuuta 19, 2006


This it is tamper. Tyyne tells what it is. Tamper will be used the making of the espresso in it at the stage when the espresso powder is condensed as a tight cake to the handle part of the cooking apparatus.
Such also for the crisis circumstances one must get there to every economy next to the iodine tablets. Does somebody laugh ? One not long when Tyyne tells what took place in 1982 in Congo. It was a typical warm afternoon. The chief of police of the village wiped a couple of leeches from his shoulders with a relaxed light touch and laughed satisfied. There was still the big lot of espresso beans to the village within an hour namely coming. The chief already almost felt quite that thick drink flowed quietly caressing taste nerves there all the way to the stomach. From the road already the noise of the heavy driving council (many vehicles in the line) was heard. The noise hardened its hardening. The chief made this a quick estimate: either the procession approaches the village or those witty drivers, however, fool and drive to be their amusement on the number one on hard gas. In any case the beans arrived there and then unground well, before the evening. The hill (however, the active one not) which is nearly high a volcano consisted of the flour. The people rushed to the espresso cooking apparatuses with its flour. But what on earth; nobody had remembered to get tamper ! It was looked for in every place even the iodine tablets of the medicine cabinet from there both sides and from the front and from behind. The panic took over the people even though the chief of police tried to calm the people. The people ran skittish to and fro in the head the wheels, the eyes. The whole village collapsed and the hill also that was just ground was trodden to the dust of the country. The story will get so horrible shades at this stage that it is the best because of the child readers but to state: get tamper.

Tyyne kirjoitta jatkossa suomeksi

Valitettavasti Tyyne joutuu lopettamaan tarinoidensa kääntämisen tönkköenglanniksi. Tyyneä on jopa uhkailtu englosakseista käsin, koska siellä pelätään näiden kirjoitusten vievän kielen suuntaan, jonne sen ei haluta piiruakaan menevän. Että ovatkin pikkusieluista porukka....

Mutta kerta kiellonpäälle:

Tyyne takes the sun

When Tyyne decides to take the sun, to glance to the pages a lot will so then not. Tyyne's diagram is quite rectilinear. An own long blanket or covering is looked for. As sunny a place as possible (the sun must glow here for at least six hours) is looked for. A piece of clothing beam is reduced to the minimum (a family the smallest can be a little surprised the parents the takers of the sun turn their head). It will be settled after the laughter and the giggle have subsided to lie for at least three hours (moving avoided). After three hours it will be carefully fallen to its stomach (the possible gushing out muscle fluid is rubbed out from the skin on the cotton waste). On its stomach its country, however, those three hours. Now it begins to be ready. An ambulance is played there and a kind nurse is still asked after the first aid to anneal those light areas of the sides on the alp lamp clearly red. "This tan" will be this handily taken care of in a day together and the time is comfortably left for a comfortable all other one; for instance to championship competitions of the Europe of the eating !

From tramp to prince

Now it begins!! !!Chain of namely Tyyne's evening fairy tales. First will be a story about the pig which became an almost correct prince at the turn.
Once upon a time there was a pig (smelled, swollen and quite unconsciously ugly) which walked apathetic forward. Then it arrived at the edge of the charcoal forest and accompanied by the small fear shiver pushed forward forward. Something loomed from behind the trees of the gloomy forest already only, glittering. It pond which is familiar of the stories it there glittered with clear colours. And the story takes the pig to the shore. Here Tyyne a little straightens because the pig has knees (in the family also on others) in frighteningly bad order and Tyyne does not want to increase the pain of this kind of a cripple by running in vain at least in the story. Well, on another side of the pond quite a splendid castle (the story is obviously placed on the coast region because there the country rises and the castle with it) rises. The pig stares at the castle open and circling the pond the snout arrives at the stairs of the castle. The king of course is against the pig (it thinks obviously to propose to be a prince who has come). You will make the princess your spouse if you curb a nasty Dddraagonn, the king growls. The pig does not really care about the princess but however, pads to meet the dragon. "Am I a Dddraagonn or a dragon, in your opinion? the dragon first asks the pig. It is to use as dated a definition as a Dddraagonn in the pig's opinion, ridiculous. Dddraagonn (oups..) so the dragon is very delighted and asks the pig from this to straighten a term from all the sources of information to a correct. In the fairy tale also this is possible and the pig makes after ordering work. The dragon will become so happy that it subsides immediately. So one can say that the pig curbed the dragon. Then one will not own to ask for other than princess ! The king is that old race which is familiar of the stories and which still requires additional tasks before the princess along comes loose. Now the record of the world of the pole must jump then ! I saw those kings also in the stories, it develops, before one had to fight with giants. The pig presses briskly to the track and takes the pole to its cloven hooves. King the ratbag has greased the benecol of the pole (the king's colesterol values risen, the narrator's remark) even. That greased pole does not stay in the cloven hooves. But then the dragon which has become a friend comes forward and blows the fireball on the pig's back. The pig smells the smell of the smoking pig's meat and also knows an unrestrained pain (the family's smallest information: the myth pig was not injured during the story. !)The pain makes the pig bounce to a more than ten metres high one without the pole and repeats the jump with the pole, because the pole was forgotten at the first time. Already does the princess now take along ? One of course not. There will be the third trial at the turn: the moat is emptied of crocodiles. Then the pig's stomach will go quite to a loose from an unrestrained fear. Mud, of course, flows to the moat and crocodiles brings about the a close relation flight of the panic to other countries. Is it from this by that the king gets excited and goes to swim a straight head to a moat where it had not been going for years . Now the princess already must become own, otherwise the story gets an unpleasant cuff. The king crawls from the moat and the smell is a other than grandmother's inheritance in the mashed potatoes. The pig little first avoids its new father-in-law but agrees eventually. The princess gives the kiss to the pig's snout and PIM,the pig becomes an east Finnish farmer, so, a prince. However, one little point remains reminding of the being as a piggy; considerably twisted and impressive tail stays in the trousers in sight. This story ended in it. Tyyne still goes her scabby beak to powder and then to sleep.

perjantaina, marraskuuta 17, 2006

The wonders of the life

I read a splendid thesis on the Hatti Jahunens columns: If the carpets clatter QUITE CAREFULLY, then they will not really whirl at all ! Fine ! Many other brilliant adaptations of the everyday life date from this.1) If in the shower uses QUITE LITTLE WATER , one will not really become wet at all !2) If one learns QUITE SCANTLY matters, then its whole life will stay unlearned !3) If an apple peels QUITE CAREFULLY, peel are just damaged at all !4) If when writing, blog thinks QUITE LITTLE, so....

Three bad red hoods and three good wolves

Well, the babies, Tyyne tell you about the three bad red hoods of the fairy tale and about three good wolves. In the story only a bad red hood and good tender-hearted wolf are presented rightly. Let us stamp the story to the visit. Once upon a time there was a big forest a small scabby cottage in the edge. In the cottage a fairly medium standard grandmother (a fairly large mother) lived. On the grandmother the daughter's daughter was Petteri from her name Punakuono, sorry a red hood should be said. But the red hood was extremely ill-mannered: he may have walked taking shortcut at the pedestrian crossing a little either, and all the oncoming cars did not greet and gone to meet its grandmother only once a day and was also otherwise such a so-called spoilt girl. There was a very well-behaved wolf at the same time running in the forest indeed. This wolf was a son-in-law already only, such every wolf mother's wish: ate devouring almost everything that was dragged to the front and it was not very faddy from the wolf maiden's appearance and properties. The wolf moved in the forest mostly sorry keep asking somehow, to this way: "Sorry flower, "that I pick you" sorry grass, that I had to tread a little you "even if how I did sneak on my toes" and the air molecule sorry when you got to my throat even if how I do breathe quite carefully". Who narrator's nerves does the that kind of a one not hold, even in such a special story. But it is still worse coming. There was a bad red hood at the same time wandering elsewhere in the forest looking for the one to be eaten something. At last the main characters' roads met the story. However, the persons themselves had not yet come, the roads to the crossing but the section is. When a bad red hood noticed a tender wolf, he gulped his throat with the wolf's one swallow. The wolf tried to be as soft as possible with best and that the flexible one would not only hit the stomach and intestines of the red hood. So the wolf emerged to be the terminal of the process to be damaged out and the red hood further remained hungry which the wolf of course apologised politely. In the same a brisk woodcutter spurted there with light steps and began to approach the grandmother's woodpile without other turns. The woodcutter chopped wood so diligently that such a noise began the grandmother to be nervous. The woodcutter did not have a feeling, poor which soon would take place. The grandmother jumped to her wrinkled feet and picked the sharpest artificial teeth out of her syanid containing cup which to imagine it brings. The door and when the grandmother left for the world not at least creaked....
The story will continue tomorrow (in the story there is only one part so....)

keskiviikkona, marraskuuta 08, 2006


Heh, heh....kylläpä Tyyneä naurattaa. Olen lisännyt analyysi scriptin tuonne hömtelin sekaan, joten pystyn seuraamaan teitä kävijöitä hyvin tarkasti. Laitappa sitä rannetta hiukan alemmas Kaitsu, muuten hartiat jämähtää. Kuten huomaatte, on seurantaa tarkkaa...