
sunnuntai, marraskuuta 19, 2006

Tyyne kirjoitta jatkossa suomeksi

Valitettavasti Tyyne joutuu lopettamaan tarinoidensa kääntämisen tönkköenglanniksi. Tyyneä on jopa uhkailtu englosakseista käsin, koska siellä pelätään näiden kirjoitusten vievän kielen suuntaan, jonne sen ei haluta piiruakaan menevän. Että ovatkin pikkusieluista porukka....

Mutta kerta kiellonpäälle:

Tyyne takes the sun

When Tyyne decides to take the sun, to glance to the pages a lot will so then not. Tyyne's diagram is quite rectilinear. An own long blanket or covering is looked for. As sunny a place as possible (the sun must glow here for at least six hours) is looked for. A piece of clothing beam is reduced to the minimum (a family the smallest can be a little surprised the parents the takers of the sun turn their head). It will be settled after the laughter and the giggle have subsided to lie for at least three hours (moving avoided). After three hours it will be carefully fallen to its stomach (the possible gushing out muscle fluid is rubbed out from the skin on the cotton waste). On its stomach its country, however, those three hours. Now it begins to be ready. An ambulance is played there and a kind nurse is still asked after the first aid to anneal those light areas of the sides on the alp lamp clearly red. "This tan" will be this handily taken care of in a day together and the time is comfortably left for a comfortable all other one; for instance to championship competitions of the Europe of the eating !